Break down your bigger, long-term goals

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According to research from the University of Scranton, only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s goals.

“Writing down your goals is only the first step,” says Jones. “After you’ve identified what your goals are, it’s vital to identify your roadmap to achieve them.”

Jones herself conducts a masterclass explaining this process, but she advises all of her clients to first list the smaller tasks needed to accomplish larger goals. Next, it’s important to set those aforementioned deadlines for each task and check in on your progress on a weekly basis for effective time management.

“If you really want to crush your goals, frame them around the behavior change you want to achieve instead of the result,” she adds. “Instead of making your goal ‘lose 20 pounds in three months,’ you could commit to “working out three times a week and eating healthier for three months.”

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