8 Ways to Spice Up Your Boring Love Life

5 min read 35

Smart mums and dads have found the best way to maintain passion in their relationships, and it is not about a cheeky weekend getaway or going for an afternoon tea thanks to your voucher from Virgin Experience Days. We have put together a straightforward manual for enhancing how happy you are with your partner while juggling the disorderly life of parenting. If you are prepared to rekindle the excitement in your partnership, buckle up, here's how you can juice up your love life without having to invest in a time machine pre-children days. 

1. Get Your Dating Game On, Any Day, Any Time 

Hear this: Therapists command you to date weekly. Yes, the same people who couldn't cut it as professional advice columnists. No, this is not just a faraway fantasy. Finding your preferred takeaway is as simple as looking through a menu. Consider having date nights at home with your little ones, since getting a babysitter can be quite rare. Prepare a big meal, get the board games ready, or watch an exciting film. Want another expert suggestion? Put those phones on silent ᅳ this is where the real magic starts to happen. 

2. Treat Your Partner Right, Always 

Everyone understands the cosiness of one's place, but do you sometimes forget to recognise each other's value? Make an effort to express gratitude towards the unnoticed champions in your daily existence. Remember the stranger you married? Great, now treat them like you would treat, well, a stranger: with politeness. It is easy, just like giving a warm smile or saying 'please' and 'thank you'. Nothing says love like a "thank you" tossed over your shoulder as you bolt out the door. Give them gifts when they don't expect them; after all, there's no need for a special reason to show some love, yes? And, oh, buy them a coffee mug or something ᅳ it sends that "I almost forgot our anniversary" vibe. Or you can be a grownup and write a gratitude diary — write five sincere things you are grateful for every week and observe how the affection grows. 

3. Invest in Those Emotional Connections 

Face each other, even when patience is low, and think of your love as a crumbling piggy bank. Small actions every day make the deepest bonds. It's relationship economics: more smiley emojis, fewer eye rolls. Listen carefully, give affection, and offer some compliments. Every now and then write something sappy (top tip: just pretend you're communicating with your dog), you will add positive actions and reduce negative ones, moving closer to a perfect relationship. 

4. Compromise: It's Not a Dirty Word 

Enough with the bulldozing through decisions. It's time to sit down, have a chat, and listen to each other. Compromise is key in a healthy relationship, where both parties need to work together. Nobody gets to be the boss all the time, if you are not already aware, it's a partnership, not a dictatorship. Next time there's an argument, resist the urge to solve it on the spot. Take a breather, go sniff some flowers, and return with your ears cleared of wax, ready to truly hear each other out. 

5. Keep the Fights Fair and Square 

Got beef? Save it for daylight. Nothing good happens after 9 pm unless it's on Netflix. Stick to the issue, like you're clinging to the last lifeboat on the Titanic. Each person has their own small struggles, but the important thing is how you handle these tough times. Make rules, like no arguing when it's time to sleep. Hold back on aggressive comments and stay focused on the subject we are discussing. Avoid using broad statements that generalise too much and speak for yourself by saying "I think" or "I believe". Ask for a break when the situation becomes too intense, parents also require time to calm down occasionally. 

6.  Sharing is caring

Parenting is like a horror show, unfairly dividing tasks like the last slice of pizza. But fear not, if you're stuck with changing nappies, swap for bath duty ᅳ it's the hallmark of a normal parent. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, so reassess, communicate with your partner, and share the load. 

7, Never Stop, Never Stopping

Relationships are like gardens; they need care. Whether it's subscribing to a weekly newsletter, launching a book club, or delving into the depths of understanding each other's love languages, anyone who believes relationships are simple hasn't invested much effort, or they're simply a fully paid-up member of Disney's fairy tales. You need to pull up your sleeves now and start working. Continue to learn about each other as if you are getting ready for a quiz night. Download all the couples' apps—then promptly forget about them in a neglected folder on your phone. Alternatively, consider the fresh concept of regularly engaging in real discussions, reminiscent of the good ol' days.

8. Dream Big or Go Home

First, put big dreams at the top of your list of things to do together. It could be making plans for the house of your dreams or figuring out where you want to go on your next trip; do it as a team. In a busy daily life, it is easy to forget your dreams. But remember, dreaming together means more than just having a vision board in common, it's about living a shared life and making a future together, where each person helps the other achieve dreams while they both chase goals that are important to them as well.

There you have it, a guide that's nearly scientific but without any guarantees. Transforming your relationship from just living together to the kind of love you see in Disney movies (think of Tangled, not The Fox and the Hound). Put these into practice, or at least laugh about them together.


Remember, it’s the thought that counts, right after the effort and just before actually doing any of it.

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